Gadir Mhanna is back at the Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab Amsterdam after her lab track last year. Together with local residents and visitors of Amsterdam North, Gadir has realized a beautiful design: the ‘Wishing Wall’. This as part of her graduation project as a student at the Tourism Management course in Haarlem, Hogeschool Inholland.

The realization of a beautiful design: the ‘Wishing Wall’
What exactly is the Wishing Wall?
The Wensmuur aims to make the Buikslotermeerplein in Amsterdam North more attractive for residents, visitors and entrepreneurs. It is a place where people from the neighborhood can come together to share their ideas, wishes and thoughts.
What makes this wall so special?
1) Research among residents and visitors has shown that Buikslotermeerplein lacks color. The wishing wall physically ensures that Fashion Street is and remains (even more!) a visually attractive and distinctive place in the neighborhood.
2) Gadir also investigated whether it would be possible to make the Wishing Wall in such a way that, as a visitor, you would also like to leave your wish on it…and the answer to that question is a resounding yes! There is indeed a need among residents and other interested parties to share wishes, opinions, ideas and suggestions about and with their neighborhood in Amsterdam Noord.
This is why the Wish Wall fits so well with the vision and goal of the Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab Amsterdam to create a connecting environment and build bridges between stakeholders on the Buikslotermeerplein. After all, sharing stories and experiences creates a sense of community.
3) The Wishing Wall provides a visual timeline about the origins of Amsterdam North, giving a glimpse into the history of Amsterdam, past, present and future. This helps people learn more about the neighborhood and contributes to a sense of pride and belonging.
In short: the Wensmuur is designed as an answer to all these questions and needs. Gadir’s graduation project was created in collaboration with the Historisch Museum Noord, Gemeente Amsterdam, artists and residents.
Finally, a QR code on the wall to share wishes, comments and ideas on the Fashion Street website makes it accessible for people to show their involvement even if they cannot be physically present.
- For a prototype of the wishing wall, see: photo prototype wishing wall
- The city reporters did a nice interview with Gadir (only in Dutch!)
- Meanwhile, in the weekend of June 6, the wishing wall was painted! It will be finalized in the upcoming weeks.
- Below is the video showing a first prototype of the Wishing Wall. Gadir made this last year with her project group during the lab track. This prototype can still be seen on the side of the Bowling; a large eye-catching building that you can hardly miss as a passerby.
23 May 2024