The end of the term

The end of the term

This semester, together with partners like Tours that Matter, shopping center Over ‘t IJ, the municipality of Amsterdam and Warm Welcome, in collaboration with (international) students, we started working on a ‘challenge’: coming up with innovative ideas for a tour through a changing Amsterdam North.

After four months of researching, designing, testing and improving, the students presented their concept to various stakeholders and interested parties during the final jam session at the Modestraat. (Buikslotermeer in Amsterdam-Noord).

With this they concluded their minor/track at Hogeschool Inholland.
It was inspiring to see how hard they worked over the past six months!

After six months of intensive education in Amsterdam North, in which the students (among other things) conducted target group research and fully immersed themselves in the neighborhood, we concluded this session with a delicious drink in the Modestraat.

The following final products were presented:

Group A – North puzzle passage:
A puzzle scavenger hunt experience. During this tour, participants are divided into groups and, with the help of a guide, they are given the first clue to a puzzle piece. After they find the first puzzle piece, they can scan the back of it through a QR code, and then hear further clues in any language. The clues contain information about the different places where the puzzle pieces are hidden, in a way that connects past, present and future. When all the puzzle pieces are found, everyone can stick the puzzle pieces on a large board to form a beautiful painting created by local artists. Art is thus used as a bridge builder!

Group B – Flower Cache:
This regenerative tour is designed with an eye on nature, combined with a game element. In a unique and interactive way, participants try to make Amsterdam North greener. During the tour, participants search for hidden key caches that can only be found by solving puzzles and riddles about the environment. At specific locations, participants can scatter flower seeds. This is a playful way to make a positive impact on nature.
And: if you walk the tour again later, you can see if your flowers have sprouted!

Group C – Taste North:
A tour that lets new residents in Amsterdam North taste the flavors of North. In culinary terms, but also broader; in terms of parks and other authentic places. This tour is designed to introduce newcomers to the many flavors of Noord. Not only does this expose (new) residents to new places and flavors, but it also supports local entrepreneurs. A win-win situation!

Group D – Welcome to North Tour:
During this tour, everyone receives a canvas bag with necessary items, such as numbered maps showing where to walk first, including directions. At each location during the tour, a participant reads a card with information about the place. For example: at the Modestraat you get information about what makes this location special. In addition, the cards contain questions you can ask each other along the way, to get the conversation going and get to know new people.
Bonus: you get to keep the bag as a lasting memory and to create brand awareness. This allows you to walk the tour again later on your own or with a friend!

20 June 2024